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Saturday, May 14, 2011


WinAVR (pronounced "whenever") is a suite of executable, open source software development tools for the Atmel AVR series of RISC microprocessors hosted on the Windows platform. It includes the GNU GCC compiler for C and C++. WinAVR contains all the tools for developing on the AVR. WinAVR comes with Programmers Notepad UI by default. It is very powerful editor and universal open source IDE which supports almost any compiler by using plug-ins. 

Before beginning with tutorials, first we must have a set of tools which are useful for simulation of circuits or projects. One of them is Win AVR, in which we write our main code in our desired language (For simplicity, here I am using C language). Click on download button below to download Win AVR software for free. (If link doesn't works, then please do comment below).

1 comment:

  1. Hey..There? here are tips for a new version of AVR
    7 power channel, 7 stereo channel a very good quality of AVR. I’m from: Denon avr 1611 .
