Hi friends... This is my first successful simulation in Proteus using AVR series microcontroller (ATmega 16) in which 7 Segment LED continuously counts form 0 to 9 with some delay. Click on the download button below to view how 7 Segment LED counter is simulated in Proteus. In this simulation, I'm using ATmega 16 microcontroller which will be programmed by Win AVR tool in C-language. Prior to this, we must get acquainted with basics of 7 Segment LED and ATmega. Unfortunately, Pin description of 7 Segment LED in Proteus is not clear. By trial and error method, I found them as shown aside...
Here, I'm using PortA of ATmega as output which is connected to LEDs as shown below...
To view total simulation process and source code in C - language - Click on below download button...
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